
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seasonal Supper

The first Farmers' Market of the year in our area took place this past Thursday. I heard that one of the farmers was going to have asparagus, so as soon as I saw this recipe I knew that would be our dinner for the night.

The soup was so yummy! The lemon juice stirred in at the end worked really well in combination with all the flavors of the soup. This is definitely going in my rotation of recipes.

On the way home that night, I passed a roadside vendor selling fresh strawberries! I was so excited that I turned my car around and went back to buy some. I saw this post on TheKitchn that called for strawberries with sour cream and brown sugar and it looked amazing. I just subbed my beloved dairy-free cream cheese for the sour cream and went to town.

After making a big pot of the soup, I didn't want to spend forever on a dessert, so this was perfect. I ended up just slicing the strawberries and sprinkling the brown sugar on top, then getting a little bit of cream cheese on my fork before taking a bite of the strawberries. David and I finished off most of them that night in front of the TV!

I'm always so excited when fruits and veggies come back into season each year. Of course you can buy nearly anything you want year round now, but there is something special about waiting to bite into that first sweet, juicy strawberry of the season. I find that when something is in season, I eat so much of it while I can that by the time the season is over, I've had my fill until next year. I think that is ultimately what nature intended!



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