
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Evening Rush

When the weather is so nice in the evenings, I rush home as fast as I can and change into my dirty clothes so I can go outside with David and enjoy what little daylight is left.

One of our favorite activities - kicking down dead trees!  

Just a weed but looks like a flower so I got excited :) Spring Fever!

I don't even want to know what is in there...

It's so relaxing to walk around the property and I love it when the sun starts to go down.

Of course I had to get in a little chicken cuddle time before it got dark! Chickabod seemed more than happy to oblige :)

Caught one of the guineas taking a little nap!

On a side note, I went to Buchheit's today to get some chicken supplies, and saw this! They had so many chicks and even had little ducks and big turkeys! So cute. We are getting eight new baby chicks next month and I'm getting excited.

Also, the guineas are now laying eggs! We've only found a few so far and haven't cracked them open yet to see what's inside, but this is what they look like (chicken egg on the far right for size comparison).

The weatherman is saying that it's going to be 73 degrees tomorrow. 73 degrees in February?! I'll take it!



  1. Kicking over trees, you're onto something. Maybe the next version of planking or owling or even Parkour?

    1. Ha! So funny. It just makes us feel super-human strong when we kick a tree and it falls down. Next time you come over we'll kick down some dead trees :)

  2. Find me a really weak tree because I want to wear flimsy flip flops while kicking it over. It'll make me feel happy.


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