
Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day

Like most people around this area, we got snow this week!

When it's really cold or snowy, the chickens will usually come out of the coop in the morning to stretch and eat some treats then head back in to cuddle up and stay warm.

I usually give them plenty of chicken scratch when it's cold outside. Scratch is just a mixture of cracked corn, grains, and seeds. They loooove it and it helps to keep them warm when their bellies (er, gizzards) are full. This morning I took them some warm oatmeal as a special treat. :)

Baby came out of her house to eat breakfast and play in the snow.

She's so fluffy right now!

Few things are cuter than kitty paw prints in the snow!

As for the humans, we like to stay warm inside while reading, playing games, eating homemade pizza, and practicing Coldplay's "Fix You" on the new organ.

Unrelated to the snow, I visited a neighbor after I got home from work this evening. But she was pretty rude and wouldn't give me the time of day.

She finally got tired of my playing paparazzi and told me to go home!

Catch more on my neighbors here.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Anyone have fun plans?



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