
Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a great extra long weekend. David was off school on Friday, and I took the day off as well so we could hang out. We worked on the trails a little bit and then took a loooong nap. Perfect Friday.

Wildflowers along the trail.
Saturday was the last marching band competition of the season in Ste. Genevieve. And guess what - the band won 1st place!!!

Don't they look great?!
They had an amazing season - five 1st place trophies and one 2nd place. I'm so proud of David!

I got a chance to work on my pumpkins for the front porch. Didn't get them all done, but the one I did turned out pretty well. I really like it! Traced on the "B" with a dry erase marker then placed the thumb tacks, erasing the marker as I went along. Would be cute to do your house number as well!

We pulled out Baby's house from the garage and put it by the back porch so she could have some shelter in the colder nights.

I think she likes it! She hangs out in it all the time now.

The chickens had fun in the warm weather on Sunday. What is a chicken's favorite thing to do in warm weather?

Take a dust bath!

Poor Chickabod is looking a little funny in this picture.
Just after dust bathing and she's in the middle of a molt!

Of course the chickens are ALWAYS up for kitchen scraps.

With the nights being colder lately, we've been making good use of our fireplace. I love cozy nights by the fire!


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