
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Catching Up

Things have been kind of busy around here lately. Last weekend we had a very busy Saturday in Charleston at a marching band festival. Of course the band got 1st in the field show! Only two more Saturday competitions left in this season!

Since we had a busy day on Saturday, we took Sunday off.

It was such a nice day that we did some lounging outside with magazines and books. I even got a little cat nap in :)

We've been exploring our woods a lot lately. David has been making trails for us and it's so fun to take evening hikes.

Of course Baby is always in tow.

Tonight for dinner I made venison chili. We still have some deer meat left from last year when David went hunting, and I wanted to try a chili recipe with venison instead of ground beef.

Turned out pretty good! You can't tell it's venison, either. I used a recipe from the current Better Homes & Gardens that calls for ground beef, just subbed in the venison.

We've got another busy weekend coming up, but hopefully I can squeeze in some pumpkin decorating! I found these ideas online and I can't wait to try a few of them!



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