
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our Quick (and Free!) Kitchen Update

I love coffee mugs. And I don't discriminate. I like all shapes, sizes, and colors. I've seen some super cute kitchens that have coffee mugs hanging from the cabinets, so I thought that would be the perfect way to display some of my favorite mugs.

From L to R:

1) Our mission statement! This is probably my favorite quote ever, so when I saw it on a coffee mug at Starbucks I had to have it. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." - Thoreau
2) My Missoni for Target spoil! Kind of obsessed with this one at the moment.
3) A mug I painted! Can't see it, but it says "coffee" on the front.
4) This should require no explanation at all. Troy and Abed in the Morning! This is actually David's mug I got for him last Christmas.
5) A cute mug David's mom made for us one Christmas. It has pictures from our honeymoon on it!
6) Another one of my absolute favorites - handmade by my amazing friend Holly!

The mug hooks were free since David found them lying around. All we had to do was drill a pilot hole into the underside of the cabinet and screw the hook right in.

I used to be much more minimalist in my kitchen design aesthetic. Always thinking less is more. I still do, to some degree, but a kitchen can feel kind of bland and impersonal without some of your favorite items out in the open. It just makes it feel more cozy and home-y when you add your personal touches.

We have mostly been working on the outside of the house since moving in this May, so it was nice to do something on the inside. We love how it turned out!



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