
Friday, September 23, 2011

First Signs of Fall

Happy fall everyone! Today is the official first day of fall and I couldn't be more excited. In case I didn't say it before, I looooove fall. It's my favorite season. Marching band, sweaters, warm drinks, cuddling by the fire, apple cider, hayrides, pumpkins...I love it all!

It's beginning to look like fall out here. Leaves on the ground everywhere!

A few of the trees are starting to change color. I can't wait til they all get the memo!

I made the switch from tennis shoes to rubber boots for my chicken-tending duties. Also pulled out my chicken-tending gray sweater.

Also made the switch from iced coffee to hot.

Fall foggy mornings. Beautiful to look at, not so great to drive in!

Oh, and I'm famous! My sweet friend, Heather, blogged about one of my fall creations. Check it out here!

Happy fall!



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